A step-by-step guide to using the NLP SWISH technique

To help clients change the images that they see in their mind which stops them from doing what they want to.

Identify what the client is not able to do

To identify what it is that the client is not able to do what they want to. Let us go ahead with speaking in front of a large audience for the purpose of this guide.


Identify the current image

To identify the current image that they see in their mind when they think of doing what they are not able to. An image like that of an aggressive and angry audience.


Identify the new replacement image

To help the client identify the replacement image that would help the client feel more comfortable with doing what they want to. In the current example an image like that of an audience giving a big round of applause



To ask the client to close their eyes and think of doing what they want to but is not able to and as they think about it they will naturally notice the current image. Ask them to imagine this image on a large canvas.


Follow up

To ask the client to let you know the next time they get the chance to do what they wanted to do. That is it… this was simple wasn’t it.


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