2024 Brand Manual
and Style Guide

ICHARS Brand Manual
and Style Guide


ICHARS is dedicated to enabling coaches and mental health practitioners to create a happier, healthier, more fulfilling world by helping them develop advanced coaching and therapeutic skills with comprehensive, step-by-step training. This enables them to serve their clients better and meet their professional and personal goals.

Brand Overview

Vision Statement

To enable coaches and mental health professionals to create a happier, healthier, more fulfilling world by helping them develop advanced coaching and therapeutic skills with comprehensive, step-by-step training.

Mission Statement

To provide high-quality, step-by-step training programs for coaches and mental health professionals, empowering them to serve their clients better and meet their professional and personal goals.

Core Values

We are committed to reliability, openness, acceptance and congruence and consider all parts of the ICHARS community mutually accountable to uphold the following values:


Download the ICHARS Logo
(Square & Horizontal size)

We have been provided with a hyperlink for downloading a compressed file containing logos of four distinct types. Upon clicking the provided link, a compressed file will be downloaded to the designated download directory on your laptop. This compressed file encompasses logos in square PNG, SVG, as well as horizontal PNG and SVG formats.

How to Unzip a logo file

To access the logo files, begin by clicking the download button to download the file. Navigate to your system’s download folder, where you will find the zipped file. Right-click on the file and select “Extract” to unpack the contents. Once extracted, you will have access to all the logo files, available for use as needed.

Checkout the YouTube video link here:
The ICHARS logo may not be altered in any way.

As a general rule, third parties may not use the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis (ICHARS) logo. There are limited circumstances under which third parties may use the ICHARS logo. The logo must always be used pursuant to the specifications on these pages to identify ICHARS or ICHARS services. Any use that falls outside of these specifications is strictly prohibited.

Third parties may only use the logo under the following limited circumstances: In advertising, marketing collateral, or a website that references your connection with ICHARS (e.g., the material states that you are an ICHARS-accredited coach training program or ICHARS Member) provided that the area in which the ICHARS logo is used includes the corporate logo of at least one other company with which you have a similar relationship.

Do not use the ICHARS logo in products, product packaging or other business services for which a formal license is required. The logo may link only to coachfederation.org. You may not use it to link to other pages on your website or any other websites. The logo may not be used to indicate any kind of endorsement by ICHARS of a company’s product or service; or that any official status for any product or service has been conferred by or is otherwise associated with ICHARS; or to show any kind of relationship with ICHARS aside from those permitted above.

The logo may not be displayed as a primary or prominent feature on any non-ICHARS materials. Companies using the logo pursuant to these guidelines must also display in the primary and more prominent position, their own logo(s), business name, product names, or other branding. The logo may not be imitated or used as a design feature in any manner. The logo may not be used in a manner that would disparage ICHARS or its products or services. Neither the logo nor the ICHARS name may be used in any other company name, product name, service name, domain name, website title, publication title, or the like. Non-ICHARS materials should not mimic any ICHARS advertising, product packaging or website design.

ICHARS reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify permission to display the logo, and may request that third parties modify or delete any use of the logo that, in ICHARS’s sole judgment, does not comply with these guidelines or might otherwise impair ICHARS rights to the logo. ICHARS further reserves the right to object to unfair uses or misuses of its trademarks or other violations of applicable law.

ICHARS’s name (“Institute of Clinical Hypnosis”), acronym (“ICHARS”) and/or logo may not be used by an individual or organization that isn’t directly affiliated with ICHARS.

Examples of acceptable use include:

  • ICHARS certified Cognitive Hypnotic Coaches referring to themselves as such in press releases regarding career milestones
  • ICHARS certified Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapists referring to themselves as such in on their website.
  • ICHARS certified PROS School Counselor referring to themselves as such in on their social media platform.

Examples of unacceptable use include:

  • Graduates of ICHARS-accredited coach-training programs calling themselves an ‘ICHARS Coach’
  • Creating a LinkedIn group with a title such as ‘ICHARS Coaches Group’, ‘Cognitive Hypnotic Coaches Groups’…

Horizontal Lockup


The logo may be displayed on backgrounds that do not distract from the logo to ensure maximum and proper reproduction of the logo.


The logo is a three-color graphical icon. It may be reproduced in one color (black or white) when necessary.


The logo should have at least .25” of clear space on all sides.


Minimum size should be 1.5" to maintain readability for the horizontal lockup and .75" for the stacked version. Optimal size is at least 2" wide for the horizontal lockup.

Incorrect Logo Use

A few examples of what NOT to do.

Brand Colors Palettes

The ICHARS logo is a three-color graphical icon and should be applied as such whenever possible. The ICHARS Blue should not be used in percentages in order to achieve greater brand recognition and consistency.

This extended color palette increases the range of colors available to be used on ICHARS promotional materials. These colors can be used in percentages. Different combinations of colors can dramatically change the tone and appearance of a document, so it is important to consider how they will work together.

Accent Colors Palettes

Note:These are accent colors only and should not overpower the corporate colors.


Recommended typeface for ICHARS documents, print and web materials is Open Sans. Arial can be used when Open Sans is not available.

Font Style for Heading

Noto Serif

Noto Serif Italic

Noto Serif Bold

Noto Serif Bold Italic

Font Style for Body

Open Sans

Open Sans Italic

Open Sans Bold

Open SansBold Italic

Showcase Your Affiliation With Ichars

If you’re an ICHARS alumni looking to showcase your affiliation, visit this page to find our official logos and detailed instructions on how to feature them on your website.

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