Institute of Clinical Hypnosis and Related Sciences

We only Teach

What we Practice

Years in operations
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Practitioners Trained
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Lives touched
0 k+

ICHARS is dedicated to enabling coaches and mental health practitioners to create a happier, healthier, more fulfilling world by helping them develop advanced coaching and therapeutic skills with comprehensive, step-by-step training. This enables them to serve their clients better and meet their professional and personal goals.

  • Vision

    To enable coaches and mental health professionals to create a happier, healthier, more fulfilling world by helping them develop advanced coaching and therapeutic skills with comprehensive, step-by-step training.
  • Mission

    To provide high-quality, step-by-step training programs for coaches and mental health professionals, empowering them to serve their clients better and meet their professional and personal goals.
  • Values

    Professionalism | Expertise
    Nurturing | Compassion | Support

The Backstory

from the horse's mouth

It was 2009, when I (Nitin Shah) began my journey into this field. I was struggling with my own challenges at that time.

(You can read more about these challenges and how they changed my life in the book: Destiny of Choice)

These challenges helped me understand and empathize with other who were going through their own struggles and challenges.

I knew I wanted to help them but I also understood that I needed proper practical skills and experience do so effectively.

I went through multiple training programs with multiple institutes.

Still at the end of it all I felt I am not there yet.

I did not really have a step-by-step process to work with clients. I knew that I knew a lot but did not know how to use my learnings from a practical point of view.

While I was somehow still able to help the clients overcome their challenges, they would from time to time keep having relapses.

With all the courses I had attended, I was aware of so many techniques but had no idea which technique to use with which client. I kept asking myself with every client, whether I use CBT with this client or Hypnosis or Metaphors and so on.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the more courses I attended the more confused and lost I became.

Then one day I was working with a client who as some people say would fall into the category of resistant client. I just wasn’t getting any breakthroughs till I used the CBT thought restructuring with the client in a Hypnotic State.

The change that the client experienced as a result of this combination was transformational. The client started noticing major observable changes in his life from the next day onwards.

It was this incident that made me understand the true power of integration. I started exploring more and more such integration with clients and the results I began to get were better, faster and more sustainable.

I tried speaking to others, some of them provided interesting ideas about how the integration could work but there was still something missing.

It was only when during a class I spoke about the integration and started answering questions related to the same, that things began to become crystal clear.

I was struggling with integrations because I had learnt these techniques individually in different courses by different people who while being very good at what they did, were still operating out of the limitations of the framework or modality they were using.

As I spoke to more and more practitioners about their challenges and why they are not able to integrate different techniques together, the more convinced I became of the need to train practitioners in a way that they learn about these integrations.

That they train in a framework that is not influenced by the limitations of an individual modality but that integrates each of these modalities seamlessly.

This conviction became the primary building block for conceptualization of Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapy which was the first course that we offered under ICHARS.

Over the years, while adding any new live course to ICHARS offering, we have been mindful of the importance of an eclectic approach. Each course is conceptualised, designed and tested to meet this criteria before it is made available for practitioners.

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What we do

Training Programs​

Our training programs include helping practitioners develop advanced coaching and therapeutic skills, and personal excellence programs focusing on helping participants develop skills, achieve desired outcomes, and live more healthier, happier, fulfilling lives.​

Private Consultations​

One-on-one coaching and therapy sessions for helping people define and achieve desired outcomes and resolve any mental and emotional challenges.​

Awareness Initiatives​

To help people understand the importance of taking care of their mental health and to normalize seeking professional help by visiting a mental health practitioner.​

Our Approach

  • 1
    At ICHARS, we believe in a solution-focused, person-centric approach to help our students and clients achieve their goals and create sustainable change naturally and effortlessly.
  • 2
    Our institution is based on a solid value system of wisdom, quality, ecology and approachability where we believe creating change is not only about overcoming weaknesses, but also about discovering and applying our strengths.
  • 3
    And we do it by integrating the major approaches in psychology with the best practices in NLP, hypnosis, mindfulness and metaphors, highly skilled practitioners, and a unique and powerful model of change that works with both the conscious and the unconscious mind.

ICHARS Journey...


Journey began

  1. Institute of Clinical Hypnosis and Related Sciences (ICHARS) was incorporated with the objective to help mental health practitioners develop advanced therapeutic skills.
  2. Pilot programs on Hypnosis, NLP and Metaphors organized for practising therapists

Launch of a truly eclectic course in psychotherapy

Launched version 1 of the Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapy program (then called the Cognitive Hypnotic Behavioural Programming).

The first workshop was conducted with psychology teachers from selected institutes. A decision based on feedback was taken to restrict access to the Psychotherapy Course only for people from a background in Psychology or Medicines.


1st Workshop outside Mumbai

With the awareness about the Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapy approach growing and the amazing reviews that we started pouring in, we spread our wings and launched workshops outside Mumbai 


Post Level Online Modules

Creating a hybrid model for training and learning by incorporating post-workshop online modules (containing demonstrations of techniques) in addition to the live training sessions. CHP Courses 100 Student Mark

Online Modules

Restructuring of the Practitioners courses by adding pre-level online modules and making the mandatory before attending live sessions. This enables an increased focus on practice sessions during live training.


Coaching Certification

  1. Initiated the Cognitive Hypnotic Coaching Certification Program by integrating the super powerful SOFT SEA Coaching model with techniques from Hypnosis and NLP
  2. CHCP crosses 500 Student Mark

ICHARS Support Foundation incorporated

A Non-profit organisation, dedicated to spreading mental health awareness and supporting mental health practitioners in creating an emotionally and financially fulfilling practice

Focus on Non-profit activities

  1. Setting up of Charitable therapy center
  2. Multiple awareness programs with the help of our CHCP Participants and interns
  3. Additional Online course on ICHARS website

The year of Firsts

  • CHC and CHP Diploma instituted
  • CHC Diploma becomes virtual
  • CHCP crosses 1000 student mark
  • Online Support Group Kick-off
  • Short internship programs begin
  • TruTalks and PsyTalks: Exclusive Live series launched
  • Short Certification Programs of Anxiety and Relationship Counselling Launched

Focusing on Growth

  • New Short Certificate Courses on Sleep and Social Anxiety Counselling Launched
  • TruTalks on NLP and PsyTalks on Meditation launched as a part of TruTalks and PsyTalks Live Series
  • Launch of a more user-friendly Learning Management System to host pre and post-workshop learning resources
  • Started work on Helief, a one-stop mental and behavioural health mobile app

Enhancing support offerings for Psychologists

  • Completed 10 years in incorporation
  • Transitioning the complete Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapy Diploma online
  • Re-structured ICHARS Fellowship program
  • Initiated weekly case discussions and Q&A sessions with past participants
  • Development and testing of Helief App

What Next

  • Focus on collaborations with other training institutes offering related courses
  • Expanding ICHARS offerings for Corporate
  • Launching Helief, a One-stop mental and behavioural health mobile app
  • Launching extended training programs (short certifications + practical internship)
  • Research Papers on different therapy protocols covered in various ICHARS courses
  • Start working on National and International University Affiliations

Our Core Trainers


Misba Shah

Director ICHARS and ICHARS Support Foundation

A dedicated and passionate trainer cum facilitator with extensive experience in Life Coaching, Human resources and performance enhancement. As a psychologist, she focuses on helping people overcome blocks that stop them from loving and appreciating themselves.

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Nitin Shah

CEO ICHARS and Director ICHARS Support Foundation

An author, educator, psychologist & Cognitive Hypnotic Coach who is the brains behind the various courses offered by ICHARS. For more than a decade he has passionately been mentoring and supporting psychologists. In his private practice, he specialises in helping clients overcome internal conflicts.

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Mamta Sharma Psychologist Trainer ICHARS Photo

Mamta Sharma

Director ICHARS Support Foundation

With a passion for understanding how the mind works, she uses her expertise as a Life Coach to help individuals nurture and develop their mental abilities.

Dhivyaraksha Pajni - Profile Photo

Dhivyaraksha Pajni

Mentorship Head

As a Life Transformation Strategist, a wellness professional and a Certified Cognitive Hypnotic Coach who supports individuals make progress in their lives so that they have a greater fulfilment.

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Awards and Recognitions

Recognized as



Other Initiatives by ICHARS

ICHARS Support Foundation logo

ICHARS Support Foundation

A non-profit organization focusing on promoting the mental health CASE – Bringing about Change through Awareness, Support and Education.

Visit MHP Challenge

A challenge instituted for spreading awareness about the importance of visiting a mental health practitioner not just as a cure to mental illness but also for maintaining and fostering mental health.

Destiny of Choice

On one hand, Destiny of Choice is a tale of romance and its tragic challenges. On the other hand, it is an incredibly powerful manual for living a happy life. The book is based on the events in the life on Misba Shah (Our Director) and Nitin Shah (Our CEO).

MeetGoals App - One stop solution for identfying and overcoming conscious and unconscious hindrances

MeetGoals App (Coming Soon)

A one stop solution to achieve total mental, emotional and behavioural well-being with customized plans to achieve your goals, obtain relief from emotional issues and create a mentally healthy lifestyle. This mobile app is currently in the development phase and will soon be available for both iphone and android users.

The app is based on various proprietary models developed by the ICHARS team, that have been tested with a large no. of clients over the last 12 years. We expect the app to revolutionize how people manage their thoughts and emotions.

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