Every thing you need to know about Case Studies

Case Studies for Coaches, Psychologists and Psychology Students containing step by step guides for helping clients achieve their desired outcomes and overcome various emotional, behavioural and psychological issues.

Before checking out these case studies, you may want to start with exploring

1. What is Cognitive Hypnotic Coaching?

2. What is Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapy?

All the Coaching and Psychotherapy case studies mentioned on this page are based on these approaches.

Psychology of Weight Loss – Step by step actionable guide

Introduction In this post we will explore not just the biology but also the psychology of weight loss. We will also look at simple steps that can help people manage weight and also explore the steps that therapists can use

Understand & overcome learned helplessness

Are you or some you know experiencing learned helplessness?

Introduction Learned Helplessness is a formidable barrier that often impedes individuals from realizing their full potential, despite possessing the necessary skills and resources. In our exploration of this psychological phenomenon, we delve into its intricacies and offer strategies for triumphing

Sublimation - Psychological Defense Mechanism

Unlocking Sublimation: A Deep Dive into Psychological Defense Mechanisms

Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of sublimation, a fascinating psychological defense mechanism. In this article, we will delve deep into the concept of sublimation, its historical roots, practical applications, and how therapists work with clients who use this mechanism. What

Every behaviour has positive intention

Every Behaviour has a Positive Intention – NLP Presupposition

The Paradox of Problematic Behaviours As a therapist or coach, one of the biggest challenges you face is helping clients overcome deeply ingrained behaviours and habits that are causing problems in their lives. Whether it’s addiction, anxiety, overeating, procrastination or