Anna always admired her boss, Tom, for his command over the room and his decisive manner. Though she initially disapproved of Tom’s often abrasive methods, she found herself increasingly mimicking his style – rebuking her colleagues with a sharp tongue, all in the name of ‘effective leadership.’ Anna’s gradual shift exemplified a complex defensive strategy […]

Introduction: The Weight of a Parent’s Words Have you ever felt like you’re not being true to yourself? Like the thoughts and opinions you express aren’t really yours, but someone else’s? If so, you might be experiencing something called introjection. Don’t worry, it’s more common than you think, and I’m here to shed some light […]

Imagine Sarah, a vibrant woman known for her infectious laughter and boundless empathy. Yet, in the quiet moments, she feels an ocean widening between her and the world. Recent heartbreak has led her to an inner retreat, where emotions are kept at bay, and personal connections grow distant. Sarah’s experience is an embodiment of the […]

Introduction: The World Through a Fog Emily stood at the edge of a crowd, the sounds and sights around her blending into a distant hum. She watched the scene unfold as if through a thick fog, feeling removed, detached from the laughter and chatter. Moments earlier, an argument had set her heart racing, and now, […]

Cognitive Therapy (CT), developed by Dr. Aaron T. Beck in the 1960s, has transformed the landscape of mental health treatment. By focusing on the interconnectedness of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, CT empowers individuals to identify and challenge maladaptive thought patterns, thereby facilitating emotional and behavioural change. This approach has proven particularly effective for a range […]

Introduction: When Stress Takes a Physical Stage Imagine Claire, an accomplished pianist, whose fingers have danced over keys since she was a child, creating melodies that sang of her life’s joys and struggles. Yet, as the date of her grandest concert approached, a paralyzing stiffness seized her hands. Medical tests showed no physical ailment. Claire’s […]

Introduction: The Dilemma of Dichotomy Meet Emma, a woman whose world is painted in stark contrasts. Her colleagues either adore her or, after the slightest mishap, become her sworn adversaries. Friends are angelic confidants until a canceled plan abruptly casts them as callous betrayers. For Emma, people are either for her or against her, and […]

Introduction: The Prodigy’s Hidden Struggle Let’s talk about Jack, the office prodigy, known for his impeccable financial analysis skills. On the surface, it seemed Jack had it all figured out, but beneath the veneer of success, there was a quiet battle being fought. You see, Jack had always been self-conscious about his public speaking abilities. […]

As a practicing psychologist, do you often encounter clients who seem stuck, unable to progress despite numerous sessions? Have you ever wondered if there are deep-seated issues lurking beneath their conscious awareness, obstructing their path to healing? Addressing repressed memories can be one of the most challenging yet crucial aspects of therapy. How can you […]

How familiar are you with witnessing recurring negative patterns hindering your clients’ progress? Do you ever feel the weight of frustration when conventional therapeutic approaches seem insufficient to break these cycles? In the realm of therapy, mastering the art of helping clients re-frame past experiences emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a transformative pathway […]

Imagine a client who has been stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and fear, unable to see a way forward. Despite various interventions, they remain anchored to their limitations. As a psychologist or coach, how often have you encountered such scenarios? How do you help clients unlock their potential when they can’t see beyond their […]

Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapy - Transformative Therapies in Action

Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapy (CHP) is a powerful therapy method that combines ideas and techniques from many different therapies. This makes CHP a flexible and comprehensive approach to addressing mental health issues. Below, we look at the main therapies and approaches that make up Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapy. Techniques included in CHP Conclusion Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapy stands […]