Every thing you need to know about Coaching

Coaching is a process by which a coach helps the coachee improve upon their strengths, enhance their skill sets and abilities and build upon weaknesses in order to achieve the desired outcome & make the most of their lives.

Below you will find posts that will help you explore the different models of coaching and different areas where coaching can be applied.

If you are visiting this page for the first time, we would recommend for you to start with these two posts first:

1. What is Life Coaching – Inteview

2. Coaching – Complete Guide

3. Cognitive Hypnotic Coaching – The most powerful approach to coaching

Advance Application of Humanistic Approach in Psychotherapy with CHCP

Humanistic approach emerged as the ‘Third Force’ in Psychology, breaking the clutches of Determinism and advocating for the first time, free will of individuals in determining their life. As a therapeutic modality, it emerged as a profoundly transformative and client-centered

Mastering Motivational Interviewing Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction In the realm of therapy and counseling, the integration of various techniques and approaches often leads to more effective outcomes for clients. One such powerful integration is between motivational interviewing and Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapy (CHP). This article delves into

Exploring the relationship between beliefs and values

Working with a client’s beliefs and values  is a challenging yet insightfully rewarding process. As a therapist, it helps encompass varied perspectives, understand multiple cause and effect situations that take place in the clients life. It also enables learning and

Weight Loss Featured Images

Becoming an Effective Weight Loss Therapist

According to ICMR-INDIAB study 2015, globally, more than 1.9 billion adults are overweight and 650 million are obese. Approximately 2.8 million deaths are reported as a result of being overweight or obese. Due to the consumption of energy dense food (i.e.

Transformative Case Study on Fear Counselling

I was recently contacted by Saket (name changed), who expressed a longstanding fear of heights that has affected him throughout his life. The catalyst for his seeking help occurred during a site visit with his wife as they were considering