Every thing you need to know about Podcast

Psychologists and coaches are in a unique position to help others. They understand human behaviour and have the ability to relate to people on a personal level. With this podcast, our aim is to help psychologists and coaches to develop advanced skills that enable them to make a difference in the lives of their clients.

Cover Image for the Article on NLP Presupposition - People Respond as per their maps

People Respond as per their maps? – NLP Presupposition

In one of the previous posts we discussed how map is not equal to territory. In this post we would explore how people respond as per their maps and not as per the reality. Let us begin this post with some


Understanding the Defense Mechanism of Intellectualization in Psychology

Intellectualization is a defense mechanism that many individuals employ to cope with challenging situations. In this article, we will delve into the concept of intellectualization, its purpose, potential problems associated with over-reliance on this defense mechanism, and how therapists can

Cover image for the article on Understanding what is catharsis and why it is not enough

What is Catharsis and Why Catharsis Is Not Enough?

In this article, we’ll delve into the intricate concept of catharsis, exploring why it holds significance and, more importantly, why it often falls short in addressing emotional turmoil. Many of us have experienced those challenging days when despair, depression, and

Five Love Languages for happier relationship

Improve Your Relationships: Discover the 5 Love Languages

Introduction In most relationships, love or absence of it is rarely a problem. Not knowing how to express love in way a that your partner understands is. In this post we will focus on understanding, discovering & find ways of

Sublimation - Psychological Defense Mechanism

Unlocking Sublimation: A Deep Dive into Psychological Defense Mechanisms

Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of sublimation, a fascinating psychological defense mechanism. In this article, we will delve deep into the concept of sublimation, its historical roots, practical applications, and how therapists work with clients who use this mechanism. What


Exploring Emotional and Physical Sexuality for Healthier Relationships

Understanding relationships is a crucial aspect of human interaction. One concept that can greatly enhance this understanding is emotional and physical sexuality. In this article, we will explore the significance of emotional and physical sexuality, the differences between partners, and

What is Hypnosis cover image

Hypnosis defined in simple terms with examples

Following is a transcript of an interview on Hypnosis. During this interview we define hypnosis in simple terms with practical examples. Hello Nitin, I am Sabista Hi Sabista, I have a couple of questions about hypnosis and its application. Can

Struggling with Goal accomplishment

The secret to move from goal setting to goal accomplishment

Introduction Most people set goals, quite a few even create a plan of actions but very few actually achieve their goals. We will explore the different reasons for this and also understand how you can use the NLP Anchoring process

Integrating Hypnosis with CBT

What is Cognitive Hypnotherapy? Why integrate Hypnosis with CBT?

At first glance, Hypnosis and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy seem like distinct therapeutic approaches, each with its own strengths and limitations. However, what if we could combine the two to create Cognitive Hypnotherapy? But is it even possible to integrate the

Every behaviour has positive intention

Every Behaviour has a Positive Intention – NLP Presupposition

The Paradox of Problematic Behaviours As a therapist or coach, one of the biggest challenges you face is helping clients overcome deeply ingrained behaviours and habits that are causing problems in their lives. Whether it’s addiction, anxiety, overeating, procrastination or

Hypnotic Suggestibility

What is Hypnotic Suggestibility? Are you a Literal or an Inferential?

Hypnotic Suggestibility is a scale that was earlier used to understand whether or not a person is “hypnotizable“. It was believed that the ones who accepted suggestions easily were highly suggestible, and the ones who didn’t were less suggestible. The

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