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Every behaviour has positive intention

I had this friend in college, who had a habit of complaining constantly. She would complain about almost anything and everything. The manner in which she complained was such that she was generally the focus of attention in social gatherings. I kept wondering why was she behaving the way that she did? On observing her closely, […]

Hypnotic Suggestibility

Hypnotic Suggestibility is a scale that was earlier used to understand whether or not a person is “hypnotizable“. It was believed that the ones who accepted suggestions easily were highly suggestible, and the ones who didn’t were less suggestible. The higher the suggestibility score for a person, the more hypnotizable they were considered to be. […]

Displacement of emotions

Introduction In this post, we will focus on understanding what is the psychological defense mechanism of displacement, why we use it, how it can lead to certain problems and the steps that a therapist can use to help the client who is facing issues due to displacement. Defense Mechanism of Displacement: Case Study A young […]

Manage Emotional and Physical pain

What is the Emotional Empowerment Technique? The emotional Empowerment Technique (EET) is based on some of the principles of acupuncture and Hypnosis. It is a simple tapping procedure that gently realigns the body’s energy system along with incorporating the element of self suggestions to address unresolved emotional issues as a likely contributing cause of physical […]

Avoidance - Repression is unconscious, suppression is conscious

Repression and suppression are very similar defense mechanisms which people use in order for them to cope with a stimulus that can harm them. What is the Defense Mechanism of Suppression? Suppression is a psychological defense mechanism where an individual consciously pushes unwanted thoughts or emotions out of their awareness. This coping strategy helps them […]

Goal setting doesn't work, try this!!!

The whole point of setting a goal is to be able to accomplish it. Understanding why goal setting doesn’t work for those that it doesn’t work for can give us insights into how to make goal setting work. In other words  the journey from goal setting to goal accomplishment may be easier if we understand […]

Importance of mental health

Mental health is one of the most spoken about topics in today’s day and age. Right from celebrities to medical practitioners, many are talking about the need to acknowledge and seek help from mental health practitioners especially for ones who find it difficult to cope up with certain life situations. In this post we will […]

ABC of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

In this post, we will focus on understanding how when we become upset, it is not the events taking place in our lives that upset us, but it is our beliefs that cause us to become depressed, anxious, sad, etc. ABCDE model developed by Dr. Albert Ellis To illustrate this, we will use a simple […]

Denial doesn't take you to far

A few days ago, a friend lost her cell phone. She kept looking for her phone (a good thing to do for some time) for like an eternity. After a point, I felt exhausted seeing the number of times she checked her bag to find her phone. Around this time, her father entered the room […]

Managing fear and phobia

Fear is an inbuilt survival mechanism. Like other emotions, the intensity of fear can vary from mild to medium or intense. Fear response or “fight-or-flight” mechanism is activated in our bodies whenever we sense danger or if we’re confronted with something that seems potentially dangerous. However, many situations are simply perceived as being dangerous but, […]

Focus on solutions

Introduction The first thing that most of us do when faced with adversity appears is to focus on the negatives. “Why me?” is one of the most common question that we ask ourselves. Somewhere we miss the fact that the main outcome is to actually be able to overcome the adversity. In this post we […]

Rationalization: I failed because my teacher hates me!!!

Introduction At times people will go to great lengths to attempt to “justify” behaviour that they know is wrong or that they know others regard as wrong. This attempt to justify is what we call rationalization. We have all done this at some point in our lives, and some of us may even be rationalizing […]