Journeying Through Time Constructs – Exploring Time Perspective Psychology

Beyond the Present A Therapist's Guide to Past Life Journeying

Table of Contents

Samuel Pisar, a Polish-American lawyer, author, and a Holocaust survivor. Auschwitz as a boy to become a successful lawyer, an adviser to Presidents and much more during his lifetime.

He once wrote,

We may not live in the past but the past lives in us.

Samuel Pisar, a Polish-American lawyer

A chilling statement considering the context it comes from. 


Time Perspective Psychology and Temporal Meta Cognition delve into the intricate workings of the human mind regarding the perception of time. Understanding these concepts not only sheds light on how individuals interpret past, present, and future events but also offers valuable insights into decision-making, emotional regulation, and personal growth.

Time Constructs – The Past, Present & Future

watch representing time constructs for past life regression

The three main tenses that govern our day to day life are the Past, the Present and the Future. Certain important constructs of the Human Mind that thread these three tenses are the Human Memory and Human Imagination.

It is these two facets of the Human Mind that enable individuals to go through:

  • Reflections and Broodings of the Past
  • Fulfilling Moments from the Present and
  • Planning and Designing of Objectives and Goals for the Future.

Though it is only the present that is palpable and truly exists as a current experience, it is remarkable when the Human Mind uses Memory as a tool to delve into the past for better or worse and Imagination as a magic wand to create that perfect visualised future. 

Key Psychological Concepts related to Time Construct

Two very important ideas addressed in Psychology have a well meaning connection with this Time Concept. 

The Significance of Time Perspective Psychology

In Time Perspective Psychology, researchers study how individuals perceive and experience time. It encompasses the ability to navigate past memories, engage with the present moment, and plan for the future. This field plays a crucial role in understanding human behaviour, as our perception of time influences various aspects of our lives, from daily routines to long-term goals.

This comes from Philip Zimbardo’s Time Perspective questionnaire that effectively measures the above tendency.

By optimizing our understanding of Time Perspective Psychology, individuals can develop a balanced approach to time management, enhance adaptability, and cultivate resilience in the face of challenges.

Unveiling Temporal Meta Cognition

Temporal Meta Cognition involves consciously regulating our focus across different time frames – past, present, and future. This concept allows individuals to assess their temporal perspectives, recognize patterns in their thoughts and behaviours, and adapt their mindset accordingly.

By optimizing Temporal Meta Cognition, individuals can enhance their decision-making abilities, manage emotions effectively, and foster personal development. This skill empowers individuals to navigate life’s complexities with clarity and purpose.

Maciej Stolarski and Joanna Witowska from Warsaw University formulated the idea of temporal metacognition and postulated three very important aspects to it, that can be explained as follows:

  • The ability to be resilient in the face of a maladaptive time perspective and switch to the other. 
    Eg: thinking about an unpleasant past experience and being able to pull oneself out of that time frame into the constructive present or hopeful future like:
  • A student brooding over his/her failure in the past
  • A lover pining for his lost love from some years back
  • The ability to view the past (was), present (is) and future (will be) as a tool to create the most beneficial and purposeful decision for the self.
    Eg: Applying all the learnings and putting them to use in a constructive manner for self betterment like:
    • The student takes cues from the past, present and a possible achievable future to create a sustainable change in his choices.
    • The lover understands all the lessons he has learned from all the times of his life to establish a new value for himself.

The Role of Conscious and Subconscious Minds

In understanding Time Perspective Psychology and Temporal Meta Cognition, it’s essential to recognize the interplay between the conscious and subconscious minds. While the conscious mind governs our day-to-day activities, the subconscious mind holds deeper thoughts, emotions, and memories.

By delving into the subconscious through techniques like regression therapy, individuals can uncover hidden traumas, address unresolved issues, and promote healing and growth. This holistic approach to mental well-being optimizes both conscious and subconscious processes, fostering a balanced and resilient mindset.

There are times when one encounters recurring patterns influenced by time constructs in thoughts, emotions and behaviours that occur in a recurring mode in our life. It could be a happy pattern or it could be a troubling one.

None of us are complaining or disturbed or intrigued by the good that happens to us, however it is the troubling patterns that generate a sense of “ WHY ME ?” kind of a curiosity that extends far beyond the normal inquisitiveness. These bothersome patterns may be a repetitive fear, a recurring dream, career hurdles, relationship issues, relapses and addictions and many more on these lines that come from the subconscious part of the mind.

Exploring Deja Vu: A Psychological Phenomenon

Deja vu, a phenomenon often associated with Time Perspective Psychology, offers a fascinating glimpse into the complexities of human cognition.

A psychologist reading about time constructs and Time Perspective Psychology

Picture this !

One is on a vacation and there is this strange sense of having visited the place earlier though not in conscious recollection, just having met a stranger is actually seeming to be downright comfortable and at home as if there is a relationship that already exists.

This eerie sensation of familiarity, despite encountering a situation for the first time, sparks curiosity and intrigue.

  • Recollecting certain dates, times, places, people out of the blue that currently don’t seem to be related in any which way
  • A natural inclination and innate proficiency for a specific music instrument or sport or culture
  • Unexplainable fears like fear of water,etc – all these are instances that evoke curiosity

By understanding the psychological mechanisms behind deja vu, researchers can unravel its mysteries and shed light on how memory, perception, and cognition intertwine. This exploration not only enriches our understanding of the human mind but also contributes to advancements in psychological research.

The classic definition of Deja Vu is when you feel like you’,’ve seen or done something before, feeling as if you are witnessing a dream as if life itself is a movie.

It is believed by some  that the cause of this familiarity is memories from the past life or past lives buried deep within the subconscious mind of the person.

The curiosity to navigate the truth about past lives usually emerges out of a sense of seeking answers to certain questions in the current life. These questions can either emanate from a spiritual perspective or from a solution seeking endeavour, each one looking for a closure to their present state of confusion.  

Regression Therapy

Regression therapy serves as a powerful tool in Time Perspective Psychology, enabling individuals to revisit past experiences and uncover subconscious patterns. Through techniques like hypnotic regression therapists guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

The aim of Regression Therapy is to unearth the real reason for the current unresolvable recurring challenges that one may be facing in their life.

Types of Hypnotic Regression

  • Age Regression: Through Hypnosis, going backwards in age is facilitated, reaching a particular age in childhood to unlock and resolve stored trauma in the present time constructs.
  • Past Life Regression: This is characterised by the individual regressing through the subconscious and stumbling upon certain images, experiences and emotions that may not be directly related to them in the current life but resonates very well with their current challenges – like finding a key to a lock.

By optimizing regression therapy techniques, individuals can address deep-seated traumas, overcome psychological barriers, and cultivate resilience. This transformative process promotes personal growth, emotional well-being, and a deeper understanding of oneself.


In conclusion, Time Perspective Psychology and Temporal Meta Cognition offer invaluable insights into the human experience of time. By optimizing our understanding of these concepts and leveraging techniques like regression therapy, individuals can unlock their full potential, cultivate resilience, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

As researchers continue to explore the complexities of human cognition, the field of Time Perspective Psychology holds promise for enhancing mental well-being and enriching our understanding of the human experience.