Every thing you need to know about For Therapists

A therapist can be defined as a professional who helps people gain insight about their life, helps them develop an understanding about their problems and solutions and facilitates productive change towards the solutions.

A good therapist should have knowledge about and understanding of multiple aspects of human existence which includes but is not limited to emotions, behaviours and working of the mind.

Also, a good therapist should not just be competent in their specific specialisation but should also have other skills like communication, rapport building, effective listening, questioning……

The knowledge, competency and skills that a good therapist requires are not static. In the constantly evolving world that we are living in even the knowledge, competency and skills that a therapist has needs to continue to evolve.

“For Therapist” tag is a part of all those posts that contains information that will help therapists (psychologists, coaches and other mental health practitioners) enhance their knowledge, develop their skills and become more competent in ways that is useful in their therapeutic practice with clients.

Cover image for the article on Understanding what is catharsis and why it is not enough

What is Catharsis and Why Catharsis Is Not Enough?

In this article, we’ll delve into the intricate concept of catharsis, exploring why it holds significance and, more importantly, why it often falls short in addressing emotional turmoil. Many of us have experienced those challenging days when despair, depression, and

Sublimation - Psychological Defense Mechanism

Unlocking Sublimation: A Deep Dive into Psychological Defense Mechanisms

Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of sublimation, a fascinating psychological defense mechanism. In this article, we will delve deep into the concept of sublimation, its historical roots, practical applications, and how therapists work with clients who use this mechanism. What

What is Hypnosis cover image

Hypnosis defined in simple terms with examples

Following is a transcript of an interview on Hypnosis. During this interview we define hypnosis in simple terms with practical examples. Hello Nitin, I am Sabista Hi Sabista, I have a couple of questions about hypnosis and its application. Can

Integrating Hypnosis with CBT

What is Cognitive Hypnotherapy? Why integrate Hypnosis with CBT?

At first glance, Hypnosis and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy seem like distinct therapeutic approaches, each with its own strengths and limitations. However, what if we could combine the two to create Cognitive Hypnotherapy? But is it even possible to integrate the

Every behaviour has positive intention

Every Behaviour has a Positive Intention – NLP Presupposition

The Paradox of Problematic Behaviours As a therapist or coach, one of the biggest challenges you face is helping clients overcome deeply ingrained behaviours and habits that are causing problems in their lives. Whether it’s addiction, anxiety, overeating, procrastination or

Manage Emotional and Physical pain

The Powerful Emotional Empowerment Technique (EET)

What is the Emotional Empowerment Technique? The emotional Empowerment Technique (EET) is based on some of the principles of acupuncture and Hypnosis. It is a simple tapping procedure that gently realigns the body’s energy system along with incorporating the element

Avoidance - Repression is unconscious, suppression is conscious

Suppression and Repression – Defense Mechanisms

Repression and suppression are very similar defense mechanisms which people use in order for them to cope with a stimulus that can harm them. What is the Defense Mechanism of Suppression? Suppression is a psychological defense mechanism where an individual

Managing fear and phobia

Fears and Phobias: Play of the internal world

Fear is an inbuilt survival mechanism. Like other emotions, the intensity of fear can vary from mild to medium or intense. Fear response or “fight-or-flight” mechanism is activated in our bodies whenever we sense danger or if we’re confronted with

Hypnosis for anxiety management

Overcoming Anxiety: A Comprehensive Guide to Understand and Manage Anxiety

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not replace advice from a licensed therapist or medical professional. Please consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance on anxiety management. Anxiety is an integral

Cover image for what is Hypnotherapy article

What is Hypnotherapy? – Complete Guide

One of the most common applications of Hypnosis is in the field of change work. Hypnosis can be applied in combination with different Coaching Models and Therapeutic approaches to help clients achieve their goals and overcome intense emotional issues more naturally, effectively and sustainably.

Definitions of hypnosis from different sources

Reliable Definitions of Hypnosis

Hypnotism has always been surrounded by misconception. Unfortunately, the internet is a very unreliable source of information and many websites contain extremely misleading information. This page provides definitions of hypnosis from various organisations and established authors which help to clarify

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