Every thing you need to know about For Therapists

A therapist can be defined as a professional who helps people gain insight about their life, helps them develop an understanding about their problems and solutions and facilitates productive change towards the solutions.

A good therapist should have knowledge about and understanding of multiple aspects of human existence which includes but is not limited to emotions, behaviours and working of the mind.

Also, a good therapist should not just be competent in their specific specialisation but should also have other skills like communication, rapport building, effective listening, questioning……

The knowledge, competency and skills that a good therapist requires are not static. In the constantly evolving world that we are living in even the knowledge, competency and skills that a therapist has needs to continue to evolve.

“For Therapist” tag is a part of all those posts that contains information that will help therapists (psychologists, coaches and other mental health practitioners) enhance their knowledge, develop their skills and become more competent in ways that is useful in their therapeutic practice with clients.

What is Hypnosis cover image

What is Hypnosis? Exploring the Science, Applications and Benefits

When we talk about what is hypnosis, we often tend to be either talking about: the relaxed, focused, absorbed feelings associated with a ‘trance state’, or we tend to be talking about the interesting things people can do when hypnotised: such as not feeling pain, or experiencing hallucinations.

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