Every thing you need to know about Intense Emotions


Case Study on Anxiety Counselling

Recently, I received a call from Ramesh who was experiencing anxiety after the outbreak of Coronavirus and lockdown. He was wondering whether therapy can help him. After having an initial conversation over the phone, we scheduled a online consultation session.

Case Study on Anger Management Counselling

Recently, I received a call from Rahul who was unable to manage his anger. He was wondering whether therapy can help him. After having an initial conversation over the phone, we planned a consultation session. For details about the techniques

Sexual Abuse Counselling – Case Study

Recently, I received a call from Tina (name changed) who was struggling with her childhood memories of sexual abuse. She was wondering whether therapy can help her. After having an initial conversation over the phone, we planned for a session.

Why learning hypnosis must be mandatory for all counsellors?

In this post we will focus on understanding what is the role of a counsellor and how hypnotic counselling can help the counsellor fulfil that role effectively. Introduction Mental health is one of the most spoken about topics in today’s