Every thing you need to know about Podcast

Psychologists and coaches are in a unique position to help others. They understand human behaviour and have the ability to relate to people on a personal level. With this podcast, our aim is to help psychologists and coaches to develop advanced skills that enable them to make a difference in the lives of their clients.

Advertising in Hypnosis

Make Them Buy: Hypnosis in Advertising

Hypnosis has always been used consciously or unconsciously for persuasion & influence. Advertising is one of the most remarkable applications of hypnosis in action


What is Mindfulness and Its Relationship with Hypnosis?

In recent years, mindfulness and hypnosis have garnered significant attention in the realms of psychology and wellness. Both are powerful techniques with a wealth of scientific backing, each offering unique pathways to mental and emotional well-being. This article explores what


What is Past Life Regression Therapy?

Past Life Regression Therapy is one of the most controversial at the same time sought after therapy. Past-life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psycho therapeutic setting. Most advocates loosely adhere to


What is Confidentiality in Therapy? – With Exceptions

Before you read any further, we must emphasize that client confidentiality in therapy is an integral part of a therapist’s code of ethics. Every therapist must maintain privacy of the contents of therapy. Clients should feel safe and comfortable sharing

15 Unhelpful thinking styles (1)

How to become a powerful leader with Hypnosis and NLP?

Introduction In this post we will not just focus on understanding what is leadership and how it is related to Hypnosis and NLP, but also how to become a powerful leader with the help of specific techniques and processes from

15 Unhelpful thinking styles (1)

3 Powerful tips on How to Develop Skills and Build Competencies

Are you trying to develop skills or build competencies and failing continuously? Even after you think you have tried almost everything to build that up? Reprogramming the subconscious mind is the key answer to the question “how to develop skills

15 Unhelpful thinking styles

5 Quick actionable tips to Overcome Negative Self-Talk

We all talk to ourselves more often then we think. The quality of internal chatter also known as self-talk to a large extent determines the quality of our life. And hence it makes sense for us to have a more

15 Unhelpful thinking styles (1)

15 Unhelpful thinking styles that you need to be careful about

Introduction We communicate with ourselves with the help of our thoughts. The quality of our thoughts is one of the key elements that determines the quality of our life. Sometimes due to certain experiences in early childhood, our culture, or


Why learning hypnosis must be mandatory for all counsellors?

In this post we will focus on understanding what is the role of a counsellor and how hypnotic counselling can help the counsellor fulfil that role effectively. Introduction Mental health is one of the most spoken about topics in today’s

devanshi thakkar

The Subtle Art of Saying NO – Complete Guide

Knowing when to say NO and saying NO when it is important to say No is the key to live a happy life. It is for this reason that one must learn to say “No”. What is the Subtle Art

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