Every thing you need to know about Defense Mechanism

A defense mechanism is a way for the mind to protect us from being consciously aware of thoughts or feelings that are too difficult to tolerate. In other words, it allows the unconscious thought, feeling or fears to be expressed indirectly in some type of disguised form.

On this page, you will find links to pages explaining different psychological defense mechanisms and the ways to help the clients break through the same.

Understanding the Defense Mechanism of Identification with Aggressor

Anna always admired her boss, Tom, for his command over the room and his decisive manner. Though she initially disapproved of Tom’s often abrasive methods, she found herself increasingly mimicking his style – rebuking her colleagues with a sharp tongue,

Defense Mechanism of Introjection: Healing Internalized Beliefs

Introduction: The Weight of a Parent’s Words Have you ever felt like you’re not being true to yourself? Like the thoughts and opinions you express aren’t really yours, but someone else’s? If so, you might be experiencing something called introjection.

Defense Mechanism of Isolation: Insights and Healing Strategies

Imagine Sarah, a vibrant woman known for her infectious laughter and boundless empathy. Yet, in the quiet moments, she feels an ocean widening between her and the world. Recent heartbreak has led her to an inner retreat, where emotions are

Understanding the Defense Mechanism of Splitting: Navigating Extremes

Introduction: The Dilemma of Dichotomy Meet Emma, a woman whose world is painted in stark contrasts. Her colleagues either adore her or, after the slightest mishap, become her sworn adversaries. Friends are angelic confidants until a canceled plan abruptly casts

Understanding Defense Mechanisms in Psychology | ICHARS

The Human Mind’s First Line of Defense Imagine the Human Mind, poised like a soldier within the Human Body. It seems that this tiny soldier is out to guard himself against all those things that he does not agree with,

Fingers Crossed Magical Undoing Defense Mechanism

Magical undoing – Psychological Defense Mechanism

Introduction In this post we will focus on understanding the psychological defense mechanism of Magical Undoing, along with the steps therapists can take to help client move beyond this defense. Magical Undoing: Examples Instance 1: When the teacher asked me

Understanding the Defense Mechanism of Intellectualization in Psychology

Intellectualization is a defense mechanism that many individuals employ to cope with challenging situations. In this article, we will delve into the concept of intellectualization, its purpose, potential problems associated with over-reliance on this defense mechanism, and how therapists can

Sublimation - Psychological Defense Mechanism

Unlocking Sublimation: A Deep Dive into Psychological Defense Mechanisms

Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of sublimation, a fascinating psychological defense mechanism. In this article, we will delve deep into the concept of sublimation, its historical roots, practical applications, and how therapists work with clients who use this mechanism. What