Every thing you need to know about Alt Views

In the articles listed on this page, we are providing alternate views to how people generally look at things.

Medical Hypnosis

Medical Hypnosis: Empowering Patients and Enhancing Medical Practice

Medical hypnosis can empower patients to access their inner resources, alleviate stress and anxiety, and accelerate the healing process. It’s a powerful tool for physicians to help their patients overcome chronic illness. Dr. Daniel Kohen Introduction In the fast-paced world

ICHARS Trainers: Expert Guides in Hypnosis & Psychotherapy

Before enrolling for a course also do a background check about the trainers. By background check, we are not referring to how famous the trainers are or how many people are following them on social media, or what they are

Advertising in Hypnosis

Make Them Buy: Hypnosis in Advertising

Hypnosis has always been used consciously or unconsciously for persuasion & influence. Advertising is one of the most remarkable applications of hypnosis in action

What is Past Life Regression Therapy?

Past Life Regression Therapy is one of the most controversial at the same time sought after therapy. Past-life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psycho therapeutic setting. Most advocates loosely adhere to

Winning Hearts – Politics and Hypnosis

Politics and Hypnosis, an interesting combination, isn’t it? Have you ever noticed how heated discussions over politics and political parties can get? People may become very defensive over their political preferences, often even without knowing whether that party is working

Mindfulness, Self Hypnosis and Meditation – Distant Cousins?

Before we talk about the similarities and differences between Mindfulness, Self Hypnosis and Meditation, let us quickly look at what is self hypnosis. You may know that all hypnosis is self hypnosis! Sometimes another person, such as a therapist, may