Every thing you need to know about Coaching

Coaching is a process by which a coach helps the coachee improve upon their strengths, enhance their skill sets and abilities and build upon weaknesses in order to achieve the desired outcome & make the most of their lives.

Below you will find posts that will help you explore the different models of coaching and different areas where coaching can be applied.

If you are visiting this page for the first time, we would recommend for you to start with these two posts first:

1. What is Life Coaching – Inteview

2. Coaching – Complete Guide

3. Cognitive Hypnotic Coaching – The most powerful approach to coaching

Cord Cutting technique

What is Cord Cutting and Its Application in Therapy? A Comprehensive Guide

Cord cutting is an innovative therapeutic technique gaining traction among psychologists and therapists for its powerful approach to emotional and psychological healing. This method, deeply rooted in spiritual and metaphysical traditions, has been adapted to modern therapeutic practices to help

Change the limiting beliefs

Top Techniques to change the limiting beliefs of clients

Finding the right technique to help clients change their limiting beliefs is one of the key challenges that coaches and psychologists face. Top 7 techniques to help clients change their limiting beliefs: 3 Techniques used by almost all coaches and

Know your trainers

ICHARS Trainers: Expert Guides in Hypnosis & Psychotherapy

Before enrolling for a course also do a background check about the trainers. By background check, we are not referring to how famous the trainers are or how many people are following them on social media, or what they are

reconditioning thoughts and emotions 2

Step by step guide to help clients in reconditioning thoughts

When we talk about thoughts, it is important to recognise that only because we can consciously become aware of them doesn’t really mean that we consciously create these thoughts. In fact, most of these thoughts are really automatic and the

how to create action plan

How to Create an Actionable Plan of Action In Therapy?

Helping clients select an outcome is the easier bit, helping them work towards achieving that outcome is where things begin to get trickier and that is exactly the reason why the plan of action becomes really really important. How to

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