Introduction Two things that stop people from being able to let go of past experiences and emotions are: This is exactly what we will cover in this post. Amit has been having a recurrent, unexpected dream lately about how his father used to beat him up as a child. He finds himself suddenly wondering how toxic […]

Introduction In this post we will not just focus on understanding what is leadership and how it is related to Hypnosis and NLP, but also how to become a powerful leader with the help of specific techniques and processes from Hyposis and NLP. All above-mentioned tools and processes are part of a larger, comprehensive and […]

Are you trying to develop skills or build competencies and failing continuously? Even after you think you have tried almost everything to build that up? Reprogramming the subconscious mind is the key answer to the question “how to develop skills and build competencies” 3 Actionable Steps to follow to Develop Skills and Build Competencies Step […]

In this post, we are going to explore something really important i.e. choices and we do so with the help of two important NLP presuppositions: Starting with People make the best choice they can: When an individual makes a choice, he/she at the time of making the choice feels that of the choices available, this […]

We all talk to ourselves more often then we think. The quality of internal chatter also known as self-talk to a large extent determines the quality of our life. And hence it makes sense for us to have a more positive self-talk. Let us look at the importance of self-talk and quick actionable tips to […]

Astha has clear goals in her mind. She is aware of the steps to be taken to reach her goals. But she constantly doubts herself and feels she won’t be able to do so. Presence of self-doubt and the lack of self-belief is constantly acting as a hindrance stopping her from achieving her goals. We […]

Introduction We communicate with ourselves with the help of our thoughts. The quality of our thoughts is one of the key elements that determines the quality of our life. Sometimes due to certain experiences in early childhood, our culture, or our social circle, our thought processes can become unhealthy, irrational or distorted! This can lead […]

If you were to introduce yourself in a few sentences, how would you define yourself? You will mostly rely on the knowledge or experiences you had in the past or anything that resonates with you, but have you ever thought about your ‘concept’ of yourself? What is Self-Concept? Self-concept refers to personal knowledge of who […]

In this post we will focus on understanding what is conversational hypnosis and why journalists and news channels must know about conversational hypnosis. Role of News Media In the modern era where information travels through different digital platforms, NEWS media has become one of the most critical sources of gaining information. When this platform is […]

A corporate employee struggling with Fear of Failure

Introduction Almost everyone wants to achieve success and avoid failure. That said many a times the road to success is laid upon what you have learnt from your past failures. It wouldn’t be incorrect to say, that in order to achieve success one needs to be comfortable with failure. But for some people the fear […]

In this post we will focus on understanding what is the role of a counsellor and how hypnotic counselling can help the counsellor fulfil that role effectively. Introduction Mental health is one of the most spoken about topics in today’s day and age. More and more people are opening up to the idea of visiting […]

Introduction Every successful coach or therapist who specialises in helping others achieve success will tell you that Consistency is the key to success. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.”– Anthony Robbins Many of us are able to set goals and create a plan […]