turn weakness into strength

Introduction Most of us wish to be identified only with our strengths, don’t we? Some even try their best to hide their weaknesses. They feel that their weaknesses would make them look vulnerable to others. I strongly believe in the

devanshi thakkar

Knowing when to say NO and saying NO when it is important to say No is the key to live a happy life. It is for this reason that one must learn to say “No”. What is the Subtle Art

Pranjul Somani

Introduction Sleep Deprivation is a common problem in today’s society, affecting most of us at some point in our lives. The feeling that there is so much to do and so little time, is the primary reason why most of

janhavi kelasker

What is Emotional Abuse? Emotional abuse can be extremely elusive. You may not understand whether it is happening to you, and it may be a long time before you realise you are a victim. It simply means someone wants to

featured image common communication mistake

To effectively communicate, we must realise that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others. – Tony Robbins Whether you are planning to start your


Did you know you can use hypnosis for allergy relief? If you are surprised, you are not alone. Hypnosis is one of the most effective ways to relieve allergies In order to understand how hypnosis can help manage or even


Did you know that you can use Hypnosis for Alcohol Treatment? Hypnotherapy can be used as a standalone technique or can be used in combination with other therapies or with other de-addiction programs for best results. Before we get into


Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it ~THOMAS FULLER Long Distance Relationships (LDR) can be VERY TRICKY. The possibility of success and the chances of failure are fairly balanced out in a Long distance relationship. Depending on various factors, these relationships


“Love life you live, live life you love” – Bob Marley Getting bored once in a while is quite normal. But experiencing boredom and stress frequently may indicate that you are not happy with the life you are living, that

Mobile addiction

Social media, app makers and other tech marketers want you to keep scrolling, so they use the most effective Hypnotic mind hacks to keep you gazing at that screen, to get you addicted to phones. Here are 3 psych tricks


Introduction There are so many inspirational books, motivational quotes that tell us to break out of our comfort zones. Yet many of us don’t understand how important it is to move out of comfort zone. And those of us that


Introduction Instant mood makeover is a quick and effective method to change mental state i.e. your thoughts and your emotions in under 5 minutes following 4 simple steps. Before we look at these 4 steps that can help you change


Are you intrigued by the subtle art of influencing the subconscious? Have you ever been captivated by a speaker who effortlessly sways your thoughts with their words? If you’re looking to master the power of persuasion or dive into the

The experience of being a part of hypnosis training

Diving into the world of hypnotherapy can be both exhilarating and daunting. If you’re eager to learn hypnosis yet uncertain about which course to choose or what a live hypnotherapy training entails, know that you’re not alone in this quest.

NLP communication model explained – youtube
NLP Communication model developed by Richard Bandler & John Grinder explains how we receive information, process it and how it influences the way we communicate

Introduction In this post we will explore not just the biology but also the psychology of weight loss. We will also look at simple steps that can help people manage weight and also explore the steps that therapists can use


4.5% of our population, that is, 56,675,969 Indians suffer from depression according to a 2015 report of World Health Organization. As per the 2017 Times of India article, around 10.6 lakh more anti-depressant medications were signed out in 2016 as


Politics and Hypnosis, an interesting combination, isn’t it? Have you ever noticed how heated discussions over politics and political parties can get? People may become very defensive over their political preferences, often even without knowing whether that party is working

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