Introduction Pain is a universal human experience, affecting millions worldwide and often challenging to manage effectively. While traditional methods such as medication and physical therapy offer relief to many, they may not be sufficient for everyone, leading to a search for alternative approaches. In recent years, hypnosis has emerged as a promising tool for pain […]

Introduction Remember the book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey? The book has remained a bestseller ever since it was first published in 1989. People from all walks of life buy and read it for self-help. Have you ever wondered what is so effective about the book? Still wondering? The book […]


Why do so many people from all over the country (and other countries!) try to attend the Cognitive Hypnotic Coaching and Psychotherapy Program (CHCP)? For starters, they know the program is accredited by esteemed institutions like General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (UK), Australian Hypnotherapists Association, Association for Coaching (UK) and Indian Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy.  Anyone […]


Introduction In the realm of psychological therapies, two methodologies stand out for their efficacy and widespread use: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). NLP, rooted in the study of human behaviour, communication, and subjective experience, offers a range of techniques aimed at personal development and therapeutic intervention. On the other hand, CBT, grounded […]

Family and Systemic constellation was pioneered by German psychotherapist “Bert Hellinger”, who has also studied psychoanalysis, family therapy, gestalt therapy and transactional analysis.
if-then statements psychology

Introduction In an earlier post we had described, how our behaviours are generally driven by our internal story and that we can influence our behaviour and the behaviours of others by changing these story. In this post we will shift our focus to a simple yet powerful technique, known as the “If-Then Statements”, that can […]

Why not why me

Let me begin with a question. Generally speaking, when people have a problem, what question do they ask themselves? “Why me”? Isn’t this the most common question? It is and yet it is also the most useless one to ask! Why is “Why me” not so useful? The answer to the question “Why me” generally […]

Difference Between Surface and Deep Structure of Language

In the previous post we looked at the purpose of Meta Model questions during interview process and also got an introduction to deep structure and surface structure of language. In this post let us delve a bit deeper into the deep structure and surface structure to explore the role they play in communication or mis-communication. […]

NLP Meta Model for asking the right questions

In the world of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), effective communication is key. The NLP Meta Model offers a powerful toolkit to enhance communication by clarifying language and uncovering hidden meanings. What is the NLP Meta Model? NLP Meta Model is a collection of a really useful set of questions that can be used to collect specific […]

Introduction In this post, we will focus on one of the most important concepts from behavioural psychology, namely: the S-O-R Theory. S stands for Stimulus, O for Organism and R for Response. Have you ever wondered what drives our behaviours and our responses? Why we do what we do and how exactly do we do […]

Conversational Hypnosis for irresistibly persuasive

Introduction Would you like to learn to effectively use conversational hypnosis to become irresistibly persuasive? If yes, answer the following question before proceeding. Have you come across someone who you wanted to continue listening to? Someone who said things in a way that people not only understood but also agreed with. Who had the ability […]

How to think like Sherlock Holmes with Hypnosis

If the huge popularity of the BBC’s ‘Sherlock Holmes’ has got you, like everyone else, and if you have ever wondered about this legendary character’s miraculous skills of deduction, memory, and problem solving, this blog is for you. Do you know Sherlock (or his creator, Arthur Conan Doyle) has no secret techniques up his sleeve? […]